Monday, 2 April 2012

Xanten, Germany

It’s going to be hard for me not to give you a History lecture on today’s travels as most of what I saw was a reconstruction of what the city looked like 2000 years ago. Xanten City or back in Roman times, Castra Vetera was the Romans biggest city in now modern Germany and housed ten thousand legionaries. From the reconstruction, all I can say is that it was fascinating and unbelievably impressive for its time.

The school trip was with ATC 1st years and we took a one and a half hour bus trip to get to Xanten. The teachers knew the place back to front as they had done this trip only 20 times before.  Sadly they did most of their talking to the kids in Dutch which seemed a bit ironic as the only person listening didn’t understand.  We got to see a Roman Inn which was brilliant. They tried to make it as close to how it would have looked like back in its day though they also use it as a restaurant. The temple or what little they re-made of it was still a sight to see. I wish I could go back in time to see this city when it was in its prime.  Then we got to see the colosseum which was my favourite. Although only partly reconstructed it was exceptionally impressive and gave my imagination a great time as soon I was Russell Crowe fighting half a dozen lions and a fat Gaul on a elephant while bench-pressing a chariot. Lastly we went to a museum which was built over the old bath house. Once again I struggled to understand a Dutch speaking guide but I was able to learn a lot, like how heavy a Roman shield was. The important stuff.

I must add that the behaviour of the children on the trip especially toward the guide from the museum was not good as it seemed all they cared about was how to impress their friends. Not one kid thanked the guide. I thank Wynberg for teaching me manners, which can get you so much yet they cost you nothing.

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